Message from Chairman

Zakir Bin Abdul Aziz

Home / Chairman’s Message

Transforming dreams into reality through sustainable, modern architecture and innovative design. At Taibah Holdings, we are building for a better tomorrow.

Taibah Holdings Limited

Dhaka, Bangladesh

The Message

Assalamu Alai Kum.

As Chairman of Taibah Holdings Limited, it is my privilege to lead a company dedicated to transforming the real estate landscape with integrity and quality. Our commitment to creating spaces that inspire and uplift communities is at the heart of every project. We believe in a future where innovation and responsibility go hand-in-hand, and we are proud to make that vision a reality. 


By the grace of Almighty Allah I will be committed to the success of our company.


I will build meaningful relationships with our clients to foster growth.

Thank you for being part of our journey toward a brighter future. To explore how we can support your vision, reach out to our team today.

Zakir Bin Abdul Aziz
